Regular Tasks


Last Update 7 maanden geleden

Task ID:


Task Rules and Instructions:

All Acara community members can earn ACR rewards by completing tasks. After submitting the relevant task links and getting them approved, you can receive the task reward. Please read the task details and rules carefully, as submissions that do not meet the requirements will be considered invalid.

Task Details:

Follow the official Twitter @acaradao and @mention three friends. Post any Acara-related information. Alternatively, you can post Acara-related information on any social media platform, including setting up an Acara wallet, sharing asset screenshots, and providing usage instructions. Reward: 300 ACR (limited to once per person per day).

Task Submission Content:

Accessible social media links.

Submitter's Acara wallet address.

Task Submission Method:

Click on the top-right corner's "More" icon in the current task interface, then select "Submit Work Order." Enter the task ID, email (for task submission-related communication), social media links, video links (input any character if no link is available), wallet address, and check the "Human-Machine Verification" box to submit the task.

Task Reward Distribution:

Task rewards will be distributed to the community rewards section within 48 hours after submission and approval.

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