Community Manager Tasks


Last Update há 7 meses

Task ID:


Task Rules and Instructions:

This task reward is exclusive to Community Managers. The activity organizers will submit video links according to the rules, and upon approval, they will receive the reward with a mention of @Acaradao on relevant social media. Please note: Repeated submissions of the same video content will not be rewarded, and the final reward will be determined based on the submission time order.

Task Details:

Organize offline Acara promotional events with a clear presence of Acara-related content. The event should have no fewer than 8 participants. One-time Reward: 20000 ACR.

Task Submission Content:

Accessible link to on-site video content (video duration not less than 30 seconds).

Acara wallet address to receive the task reward.

Task Submission Method:

Click on the top-right corner's "More" icon in the current task interface, then select "Submit Work Order." Enter the task ID, email (for task submission-related communication), social media links, video links (input any character if no link is available), wallet address, and check the "Human-Machine Verification" box to submit the task.

Task Reward Distribution:

Task rewards will be distributed to the community rewards section within 48 hours after submission and approval.

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