Acara Airdrop Rewards: Setting Sail with 4621 Rewards Sent Out!


Last Update 8 месяцев назад

Acara Airdrop Rewards: Setting Sail with 4621 Rewards Sent Out!

We are thrilled to announce that Acara has successfully distributed airdrop rewards to 4621 members of our community! This marks the successful launch of the first phase of the Acara Airdrop Program. At this special moment, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to those early adopters who used the Acara wallet and contributed liquidity to our community. It is your support and contributions that have propelled us to achieve this significant milestone.

These rewards are just a glimpse of the exciting ecosystem we are building for the future. More surprises and rewards are in the works, as we continue to motivate and give back to our community. Your trust and engagement are the driving forces that keep us moving forward and are key to Acara's success.

Let's look forward to the bright future of Acara together! We remain committed to delivering exceptional products and innovations that enable you to unlock more possibilities in the world of Web3. If you haven't joined the Acara community yet, now is the perfect time to take that step. Join us as we embark on a new era of Web3 wealth!

Thank you for your support!

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